My brain is always onto the next project. I can’t help it and am sure it’s in my genes…my Mom was the same. I can see from the response to the Quilt Along that many of you also have this going on.
I think even if you can make a start, you will be able to pick it up to work on here and there. I somehow managed to plan this Quilt Along during the time that I now have a Kindergartener and am going back to work, so bare with me.
My example of fingers in too many places, but for good reason is the One A Day Quilt Along for a Nine-Patch. I can’t even find Amanda Jean’s original post. I can officially say I am probably over a 100 days behind on the quilt, but pleased as punch when I have a moment to work on it. This fabric was waiting for a project like this.
I’m glad I made a start, and I hope you’ll feel the same.
BTW, does anyone have any Amy Butler Charm Tulip Flower with the white background. I just need a bit and have some of the other Tulip Flower to trade, looks like this below:
I hope your square cutting is almost complete. We’ll start on the 1st…and I’m already thinking about this quilt with flannel and little boy fabrics for Roan.
I have a heap of squares cut. But I know I need more, I’m going to have a day of cutting at the weekend. I think I’ll sort my piles before I cut, and then I should know what values to concentrate on.
Your 9-patch is looking beautiful – better late than never, right?
I was totally behind on my 9 patch blocks too, and this past weekend, finished up! Now I have to do the part I hate: assembling the top with the sashing. Can’t wait to see how your quilt turns out… 🙂
I wish I had some to trade… I am fully out of the orange and it is one of the few fabrics I’ve used and used that I want to use again.
Love all of the lovely colors and patterns here today! Happy sewing!
It’s starting to look like we have similar taste in fabrics. I see that you have some older (and much sought after Amy Butlers). I have some, too, but am starting to use them up quickly. I have a little tulip flower in the orange and blue/green, but never had any with a white background. Wish I could help you out.