It has been ages since I’ve done a Sunday Stash and truthfully I am in need of some “blog fluff.”
This pile has been sitting for a bit and can I ask if anyone knows the name of the small green and orange flower print. I know it is Japanese.
What it will become, I do not know. Some piles sit, some develop and change over the weeks, some get put away, but this one continues to hold strong. Especially after the addition of that unknown print.
Off to breakfast with the folks and some flower planting if the weather holds. Happy Sunday.
It looks like a Lecien print – have no idea which one though…
Gorgeous stash. Great Sunday eye candy.
PS — check your Flickr mail 🙂
Ooh, I really like that orange/gray floral. Very cool. it reminds me of Ikea?
Hope your weather held for flower planting. I planted bulbs at my MIL’s today for her mother’s day present. Hubbie helped… a little 🙂
It looks like one of the My Folklore prints by Lecienf from a while back. This was the only one I could find on a quick search though
What a little pile of deliciousness.
I’m also a fan of the orange/gray floral, but the whole pile looks great and I think the brown will help make the rest sing.
those are all so good together Katie. Why is it when the weather turns nice all I want to do is sew a quilt? I see pretty much everything in quilts.
I believe the unknown print is Lecien Folklore. It is all very pretty!
The print is from the “My Folklore” line by Lecien. I ordered some these block party blocks made me think I needed a green and orange quilt:
I have piles that have literally sat for years. But I refuse to break them up. Or if I do, they get reunited when I’m done.
Hi there,
Thank you for helping me at your store this morning. I was there with a little girl today. I love your store! I am interested in joining the Seattle Modern Quilt Guild. How can I join? Do I need special skills? I sew only straight line…..