The sun shone brightly on Saturday and I was so thrilled that our turn out remained the core group plus some new smiling faces.
Our new member Amelia is in to creating by recycling goods. She was working on embroidering a patchwork quilt of wool sweaters and shared with us this nine patch made entirely of upcycled hanker chiefs.
We did a brief show and tell for the rest of us at the end. I unfortunately didn’t think of getting out my camera.
Our main mission at this meeting was to make wonky stars for our friend Season who had her baby this past month.
We collected up scraps and with a brief tutorial started our blocks.
This was all good practice for me. I’ll be teaching an Improv class on wonky stars at Fabric Crush on Monday the 21st from 5:45-7:45.
The fun was all over before you knew it.
I’m so sorry that I missed it 🙁 Next month, for sure!
Sounds like fun, Katie! Thanks for sharing. I like the idea of quilting at the meeting. We’re having the first meeting of the Vancouver Modern Quilt Guild on the 17th and I’m really looking forward to it!
Aww shucks! I totally missed this…next time. Looks like it was a ball!
Looks like another successful meeting. Hurray!
Geez, I really need to stay on top of this so I can come out and meet all you ladies! Hopefully next meeting.
We have just started our Modern Quilt Guild. So far we have had only one meeting with 20 people attending. I can’t wait until our meetings are like this one!
I totally spaced on this meeting. I swear I’m going to threaten to show up at one and actually do it! I think that baby face’s mom is a friend of mine, whom I haven’t seen in many months. I love the stars, what a fabulous quilt they are going to make!
I loved learning how to make these stars! It felt a bit slow at first but I’m in love with them.
I really wanted to go today but I could not leave my daughter at home with my husband so I could not go. Hopefully next months but during summer time it will be hard to have a free weekend but I love to go to the meeting!! Looks like so much fun!
How fun!
what a cutie!!! love the wonky stars!
Looks like a fun meeting! I’m in the New England Modern Quilt Guild but I’m moving to Seattle at the end of the summer! I’m looking forward to connecting with you guys then!
Oh we’ll be so happy to have ya!
Heavenly stars and I love the fabric choices! So pretty what a lucky baby!
I hope to join your guild for a meeting soon. I havent brought out the quilting since my son was born 9 months ago, but I hope to soon!