The Value Class at the Quilting Loft is still my favorite quilting class to teach. It was fun with a full class the other night to see everyones lovely fabrics transformed from color to value as they laid them out in different designs.
I made up some triangles to show how value appears to change depending on what surrounds it. The same color triangles appear darker on lighter background and lighter on dark backgrounds. It was a great teaching tool.
I’m off to have a well deserved margarita. Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend!
Wow!! Very cool!! I would LOVE to take one of your classes!! Keep posting…learned a lot today! Thanks!
I love looking at your quilt and seeing the different shapes emerge when focusing on the light or dark fabrics. Beautiful! I am amazed really because some of those fabrics are really not light or dark. I’d love to learn what makes the different values. I wish I could take your class too!
I think your value quilts are some of the best. I love the subtlety of the value differences rather than some quilts were the lights are extremely light and the darks and extremely dark — creating very high contrast. I love it when some of the fabrics end up functioning as lights in some areas and darks in another. I’ll bet that you are an excellent teacher.
Great optical illusion! I think I will have a Mojito…Cheers!
You are truly one of the best I’ve seen when it comes to value (and explaining it.) Wish I lived in Seattle so that I could take your course. I always feel like I’m winging it when I put a quilt together…. So, so cool seeing those triangles on different backgrounds!
Love that quilt! Funny, I used to go to the Quilting Loft whenever we visited Seattle. Great little store 🙂
What a great teaching piece! I’m getting ready to pitch a values class here in Calgary, but I guess I better get some actually quilting done first!
Very interesting indeed. Been thinking about creating a value quilt ever since I saw your post/tutorial last year… but haven’t managed to get around to it… seeing this post made me once again crave to start this project… :-/
Gee, yes, what a wonderful way to show value. I really like your work.
I love the triangle example! I so want to take that class from you some day! 🙂 (When life slows down right, haha 🙂
This is amazing. Since I discovered your site last fall I have had value on the brain. Finally this summer I started my first HQT/value quilt and I love. I do struggle with value however, I just do not seem to have an eye for it. It has been fun though and I cannot wait to finish it. Thanks so much for the inspiration!
love your triangles! and now I want a margarita too!