The Seattle Modern Quilt Guild gathered today for our first Sew-In of the new year. The core group seems to hold strong and we enjoyed the company of a few newbies today. I’ve got to say, I have so enjoyed the relationships I’ve developed with these awesome women and am always amazed at how quickly a whole Saturday can pass in their presence.
In the whole six hours I was there I only managed to basted my ‘Hit the Spot” quilt and make some napkins for a friend’s housewarming gift. So you can only imagine the gabbing that happens.
We have this great balcony that serves as a design wall for many of us throughout our day.
And then there’s quilts, some made AND used.
We’ve moved our attending members to the group’s Shutterfly site after nothing but trouble with the Wackwall site. If you are planning on attending meetings and would like further information, please feel free to email me and I’ll forward you the application. Not to be rude, but I’d like to avoid spending time moving the 200+ members that have never attended a meeting if possible.
Our next Sew-In will be Friday January 28th from 6:30-?.
I wish I could come 🙁 Feeling lonely over here! And I cannot stop drooling over that quilt – I love it!
we’d take you for sure!
Oh I so want to come to your sew in! But from the small town of Beamsville, Ontario – 35 minutes from Niagara Falls and 1 hour from Toronto I don’t think my husband will let me come….. He is very supportive of my quilting habit but there are limits. I will have to enjoy your gatherings virtually! Thanks for posting.
Yeah, that might be a bit of a drive.
please please PLEASE tell me the name of the pattern in that BEAUTIFUL quilt … I have never seen anything more beautiful … please may I know the name of the pattern ?
Isn’t it great! You can ask Emily at Carolina Patchworks. It’s hers.
You are an angel, Katie. The name is Discontinuity and I have ordered it from her Etsy store – thanks for the help !
I wouldn’t go that far, but your welcome!
I hope I can go soon! I love Emily’s quilt–that’s my favorite of her patterns–excluding any from her book.
Hey, Katie,
Y’all lost me somewhere between Wackwall and Shutterfly – I never got the info about that move happening. Looks like the group has decided to only have Sew-in meetings — is that the case?
Yes, Sew-ins only. Super fun. Was thinking of you last meeting. The next is the last Friday of the month. Let me know if you need a ride, we do them in Ballard now.
Rendy Tucker attended yesterday and raved about it. I’d love to join – sew-ins are definitely my cup o’ tea.
Please let me know what I need to do to join. Thanks!
ohhhh how i wish i could quilt!~ love the blog!
I really need to start going to meetings. Really.
Come Friday!!!
I just joined the guild online. I have never done a sew-in before. Normally I just sew at home with my kids running around wild 🙂 I would love to be able to come to one sometime. I’m having trouble navigating the site to find guild guidelines or info about the sew-ins. Can you tell me where I can find this information?
Okay, scratch that last comment. I found the shutterfly site you were talking about. I was wondering why there was basically nothing on the site I was on. Mystery solved! I’ll send you an email for the application. Thanks, and sorry for my silly questions. With just a few clicks I answered it myself 🙂
I love this bright quilt! Do you know where I could purchase the pattern? I could probably wing it but I’d really love to have the pattern. This such a bright cheery quilt! I’d love to make it for my sons. LOVE IT! Thanks
It’s a Carolina Patchworks pattern, but I don’t know which one. Good luck!