With the holidays and working retail there hasn’t been much time for sewing, but when I added up the 16 quilts I created this year on top of the 30+ Jacquie and I made for the book I felt a little better.
Granted some are small, but I did fit in a few twins, a major amount of lap quilts and one mama-jamma king size.
Just like last year I am reinstating my rule of finishing one unfinished quilt for every one I start. It seems to work for me and keep my creativity sparked.
Looking back at these quilts I think how I still love myself a half-square triangle, anything scrappy and that I never tire of prints. I always wish for a neutral palette in my home, but my love of color always wins. I’ve also enjoyed my pattern of mixing improvisational projects with traditional design. It gives my brain some resting time.
2011 was great. We finished Quilting Modern and I finally dropped my feed dogs for some free-motion quilting. If you’ve been procrastinating this advance in your quilting, make this year the year, because it is fr*#! ing load of fun.
Just for fun, here’s some finished quilt tops (except for the raindrop whole cloth quilt that just needs more appliqued raindrops) that WILL be quilts by 2013. How weird to say that year when I haven’t even written the current.
Happy New Year everyone! It’s going to be good!
Wow! Quite a year when you stack them all together! Beautiful work, all.
How to wait for the book……
opps that was Now for the book.. 🙂
SO wonderful Katie! what a collection 🙂
I think you accomplished plenty last year. Nice job.
Happy new year! I love what you created last year, amazing collection 🙂
Such a wonderful group of quilts!
Buy a new machine and learn to FMQ is on my list of goals for the year.
wonderful quilts! You sound like me…always wishing for a neutral palette in the home but going crazy for the color instead! Glad to know I am not alone!
You have been working so hard this year! I do love your quilts.
Just beautiful! Fun to see them all together… And then there’s a book coming too ; )
So many gorgeous quilts, Katie! I love the one at the end of the second row – with the dark background. What a productive 2011 you had!
Beautiful, inspiring quilts! And I agree about the fmq – a whole new world opens up!
Wowza, it’s all so beautiful!
WOW, you did a lot this past year and all are wonderful!
One of my goals this year is to get up to Seattle and take a class with you! Really looking forward to your book too!
Great collection! I have enjoyed following you work this year and look forward to seeing what you creat in the coming year.
Happy New Year to you too!
happy new year to you katie! i love your work!
Love your collage of work, so inspiring and colorful. Looking forward to seeing what’s up in your corner for twenty twelve!!! Happy New Year!
Beautiful collection of quilts. You constantly inspire me and I can hardly wait for the book!!
Hope you are having a lovely new year so far Katie! Love all the quilts you finished in 2011! I can’t wait to see what you finish in 2012 🙂
We should totally get together sometime soon 🙂 You still have to meet the pup (who is growing so quick)! 🙂
Your quilts are amazing! I’m looking forward to seeing more of your work in the book.
You are prolific! I agree FMQ is a lot of fun! I am hoping to make this a year of clearing out WIPs….can’t wait to see what’s happening this time next year! Happy 2012…
Bravo! You are a source of inspiration. I look forward to your new creations this year.