Quilt backs sometimes need to germinate. Ideas come and go, some work, some don’t.
Roan’s quilt top has been done for a few weeks now, but the back has really become quite the process.
I had this idea the back had to have something added to make it special, but those ideas just didn’t jive with the flannel I had bought for the soul purpose of being the backing.
I loved the Denyse Schmidt inspired star I originally made as its backing, but the blues didn’t work and when I put up the flannel with it, everything became mush. I hate mushy quilts.
No waste however, this will be a great baby quilt.
So I moved on. My next idea was to make blocks in the technique and style that we have in the Stepping Stone quilt in the book.
I like them, but they weren’t cutting the cake either. Ignore the triangles, they are just leftovers from trimming the quilt top.
So by the end of the week, I potentially have two new quilt tops started and what did I decide for the backing?… Just the flannel and nothing but. It’s pieced and tomorrow the floor will get a cleaning and this quilt will get a basting.
I think the simplicity and clean lines of the front match the back.
I guess you never know where the improvisational road will take you until you are there, eh?
Thanks for such a great Value Quilt Class on Saturday students! I had a blast.
Next up:
Sometimes finding or making the back can be more difficult or take longer time than making the top. I think these pretty triangles will look fantastic on the beautiful amh flannel back. I have had tops put away for more than a year… Time can be a very important ingredient in a quilt. Enjoy the quilting!
Love both your Amish star and your blue stepping stones.
when the front is as stunning as this one I personally prefer a simple back to not struggle against it. You can’t beat a beautiful piece of AMH flannel as a backing 😉
i remember thinking you were showing off two quilts when you last posted! they are both fantastic, but i like them as individual quilts. i actually made one similiar to your string star here ~ after seeing yours: http://www.flickr.com/photos/15798936@N00/7428291882/
Oh well, glad you got 2 quilts out of your ponderings 🙂
Hopefully they won’t be tucked away too long.
I loved this post. I’m so picky about using just the right fabric for the back and yet I don’t want to spend a fortune. Had to laugh at the idea of 2 new tops in the process of getting the back just right. Absolutely nothing wrong with single fabric backs. Sometimes it’s just what the front demands.
Thanks for the vote of confidence!
I think the plain back is perfect for this quilt. When the top is that lovely, you don’t want the back to compete. I just used an amh flannel on the back of a quilt and it is so soft and snuggly – Roan will love it!!
It really is the softest flannel!
I’m interested to know what the blue solid is on your DS star quilt? Did you think the flannel blue was a good match? I have made my 5yr old son a quilt that looks like I could have used same solid and I was considering the same flannel but I have only seen it online. Here’s mine http://a-labour-of-love.blogspot.com.au/2012/04/taali-wheel-quilt.html
The blue is a shot cotton called aegean. I didn’t think it went that well with the flannel. Good luck.
Lol…so I think we all are very selective when making backs and we just don’t want any ole thing for the backing. After all, the back is as important as the front! I really love your work. That is a great star quilt and anyone would love it…not just the babies. (smile). Have a great day.
I LOVE Roan’s quilt! The barn as a backdrop….also perfect!
ha ha. that’s my neighbor’s garage, right in the middle of the city.
I’m posting this here, because this entry prompted me to see which classes you’re teaching this summer. I normally read your blog from Illinois, where I’m in graduate school, and I’m super excited to take your improvisational patchwork class while I’m in town this summer!
That will be so fun! See you then.
Thanks for the reply. I used a Moda Bella solid but neglected to get the name when I bought it from a LQS. (It’s looks like it could be either Marine or Turquoise). I’ll have to see if I can find the flannel locally so that I can colour match. I have found it really hard to find a flannel for boys, my eldest son is not really a “vehicle” guy.