New Fall Classes on the books!
::Improvisational Strip Piecing Workshop:: $85 Saturday, September 8th, 10am-4pm at Island Quilter on Vashon Island.
An all day workshop to explore the creation of your own quilt designs utilizing improvisational strip piecing. We’ll cover this improvisational patchwork technique while constructing blocks for your own quilt design. All level of sewists welcome. Quilting Modern Book required.
::Improvisational Coin Quilt:: $85 Thursdays, September 20th and 27th from 6-9pm at the Quilting Loft in Ballard.
No two will be the same. Learn improvisational techniques like angle piecing and strip piecing while creating a modern coin quilt loosely based on a tradition Chinese Coin Quilt Design. A great quilt to feature your favorite prints. All levels of sewists welcome.
::Seeing Value Workshop:: $85 Sunday, September 23rd from 10am-4pm at Island Quilter on Vashon Island.
Learn how color value can transform your quilt making design process. Create multiple designs with your newfound knowledge of value and simple half square triangles. All levels of sewists welcome.
::Improvisational Elongated Triangle Blocks:: $45 Thursday October 4th from 6-9pm at the Quilting Loft in Ballard.
Create an edgy block of triangles with this simple improvisational technique. Follow up with an invisible zipper class or create your own quilt. All levels of sewists welcome.
::Invisible Zipper Class:: $45/ Thursday, October 11th from 6-9pm at the Quilting Loft in Ballard.
Installing invisible zippers if easier than you think. Come learn how to make professional looking pillows, you’ll be hooked! All levels of sewists welcome.
::Whole Cloth Quilt Finishing Class:: $85 Thursdays, October 18th and the 25th from 6-9 at the West Seattle Fabric Company.
Quilt top, batting, and a backing…baste, quilt, and bind! Learn the essential basics of finishing a quilt without piecing a thing! Create a simple crisp modern baby quilt while learning the process. Quilting designs with a walking foot will be a covered. Walking foot required.
::Half-Square Triangle Class:: $85/Saturday October 27th from 10am to 4pm at the West Seattle Stitch and Sew Studio.
This versatile quilt block lends itself to endless designs. We’ll cover quilting basics such as picking fabrics, matching seams and create perfect points. We’ll play with a layout that suites your style and you’ll walk away with ideas for a multitude of quilts. All level of sewists welcome.
::Modern Charm Quilt:: $85/Thursday November 1st and 8th from 6-9pm at the West Seattle Stitch and Sew Studio.
Proper technique is the foundation of any quilt. Come learn how to pick and properly cut fabric, match seams and rows and come up with a square quilt in the end. A great class for all levels of sewists looking to improve technique.
::Improvisational Stitch and Flip Triangle Workshop:: $85 Saturday, November 3rd from 10am-4pm at Island Quilter on Vashon Island. All levels of sewists welcome.
An all day workshop to explore creating your own quilt designs utilizing stitch and flip triangles. We’ll cover this improvisational patchwork technique and construct blocks for your own quilt design. All level of sewists welcome. Quilting Modern Book required.
::Psychedelic Baby Block Workshop:: $85 Saturday, November 17th from 10am-4pm at the Quilting Loft in Ballard.
We’ll create a unique block utalizing improvisational strip piecing techniques. Design wall time with your blocks will allow you to come up with a quilt design that suites you. All level of sewists welcome.
I’m up for carpooling to West Seattle or Vashon. Private instruction available.
Jean(ie) says
I need to sign up for the coin class in Ballard. I think I know how to get there. Oh how I wish you’d teach on the east side. I guess I’ll need to get over my fear of driving in Seattle.
Sew Katie Did says
At some point I’ll get some samples together for Quiltworks. You can do it and the coin class is my favorite to teach.
Jean(ie) says
I just might! 🙂
Carla says
Your classes all look like a lot of fun and reasonably priced. How fun for all of your Seattle fans!
Sew Katie Did says
Thanks Carla. I love your quilts.
Erin says
are you sure you can’t come run these classes in Brisbane, Australia…? I promise I’ll come!
Sew Katie Did says
That would be so fun!
Anne Marie says
Why do I live in Denmark LOL?
Sew Katie Did says
I’d love to visit!
Richard Healey says
Love the magic number quilt.
Sew Katie Did says
Thanks, currently working on another.