Saturday I headed over to Vashon to teach an apron class. This class was somewhat out of the norm for me to teach, but I generally make a stack of aprons around the holidays as gifts, so I thought I’d pass that knowledge along.
I wish I would have thought to get a photo of everyone while they were still there.
These two ladies were friends and we had a great time. My favorite part as always is to see what fabrics people pair.
The dolls with the Denyse Schmidt Vine on the reverse was my favorite combo.
I also plan on making myself an apron with the Virgencita and those Kaffe triangles.
Already made pillows with this fabric. Island Quilter also had it in the off white background.
This new Alexander Henry I couldn’t break free from.
The scale is HUGE. Skirts, backed with flannel whole cloth baby quilt…not sure what I’ll do with this one.
I really wanted to get some of the Kaffe Fasset Voile for more infinity scarves. It was the first time I’ve laid eyes on it, but I’m already overloaded with the Anna Maria Horner line so I had to stop there.
This Saturday will be the Seattle Modern Quilt Guild’s Sew-In at Island Quilter from 10am-6pm. Grab some friends (all welcome!) and your projects for the day. I really think this is to be an event not to be missed.
Island Quilter will be selling out of print fabrics at a good fair price and have the rest of the store 20% off!
Hope to see you there!
WOW! Beautiful Prints (fabrics), and great job done with them. Thank you so much for sharing as always. Kind Regards, Mtetar