Sometimes cast-off blocks discover their destiny all on their own.
I made a row of these stepping stone blocks when creating quilt backs for Roan’s Unknown Direction quilt.
I have a whole tote under our bed and two more picnic baskets full of these sorts of blocks, the unfinished, the ‘I don’t know what to do with you,’ and the ‘cut, but I’ve lost interest’.
They all rest in their own little bags conveniently provided by fabric shops with more flair than others with creative packaging. I’ve found that these unfinished cast-offs make the best step outs and samples for classes.
I’d pulled the strip of blocks out from hiding and was contemplating a baby quilt until this pillow shape/size and the strip of blocks stuck in my head as a match for tomorrow night’s Stepping Stone Workshop at Make*Mend*Do studio.
I set to work this afternoon on quilting and as usual, my thoughts were that I would have this done by the time Roan walked off the school bus. Why is it that I sew so much faster in my head?
I haven’t quilted anything with a stitch in the ditch in awhile, but the strip piecing that log cabins the blocks needed some.
Tomorrow I’ll change out thread to stitch the ditch down on the outside of the stones and fill in the blue with the same quilting design.
Hoping to have a pillow by Wednesday, but like I said, I sew faster in my head…regardless, I have something other than the quilt to show in the workshop.
Happy Monday to ya.
Very nice, and Happy Monday to you as well. Mtetar
The colors of the quilt are so vibrant. Great job….I always sew much faster in my head as well 🙂
I love the blocks. I se faster in my head too
Your pillow looks great! I am with on sewing faster in my head :-). I do that all the time.
It’s looking good, Katie! I have lots of cast off blocks too. You give me hope that I’ll figure out what to do with them someday! Happy sewing to you!
Do you have a pattern for the Unknown Direction quilt? It’s beautiful!
thanks so much, I love it too. no pattern. just make yourself a template and start cutting! I did have to use 1/2″ seams when I sewed the rows together because of the angle.
I ALWAYS Sew faster in my mind.
Love the coloring! I always sew faster in my head too. I thought my skirt was going to take me a night… Wound up taking me a year!
All the designs are looking mind blowing thank you for the sharing and just keep it up.
Mind Blowing designs just keep it up.