Oh, “Hi Night Owl!” Did anyone have a baby that was a night owl?
The blue colorway and theme of Lizzy House’s Constellations line was perfect for a remake of the Supernova quilt from the book.
I searched through the stash for the focus fabric to be placed in the center.
Since I sized down the squares to four and a half inches this fabric needed to be small scale and “Not purple,” Jefe said (I still snuck some in). I went with this cute owl print that Alexander Henry came up with some years ago. I thought it fit the night time theme. From there I started thinking about the color development for the rest of the quilt.
I was inspired by the colorway in this encaustic piece by Christine Terrell of Tincaustics that I picked up while in Austin. This citron or chartruse color has taken me over. I certainly need more fabric right? So I moved onto hunting for some more of this color for the quilt and my stash. My excuse was that they would help blend the lighter greens.
I did a few block alterations from the original book pattern to make it a little less square and more explosive. Pulling a multitude of fabrics from the stash for all the different rounds was a fun way to use up a few smaller pieces that have been around.
This pattern is loose, fun and FAST! I pulled it together in a few days.
I’d love to have this quilted for class tomorrow night in a woodgrain pattern, but need to pack up and get my lecture fine tuned for the Tri-Cities show this weekend.
I hope to meet you Friday or Saturday if you are on the east side of the state!
::Supernove Workshop::
Tuesdays, March 19th and 26th from 6-9pm at Drygood Designs in Ballard.
This class will be a great opportunity to learn new techniques without intimidation. Play will both the shape and value in this class where you’ll take wonky star blocks to a whole new level with the Supernova Block. The Supernova Block adds an improvisational triangle onto a traditional square block to create its swirling effect. Your block design can go Supernova by creating one large block or multiple small blocks can create your quilt.
Wow I love this. Those colors….!
darling! and bravo on the restraint…!
Very nice, and thanks for sharing the links. Mtetar
It looks great, Katie! The owl is perfect.
Really cool quilt. I love your inspiration.
Oh, I love this. I really want to make the Supernova but am not sure I could pull it off. I do have that cool Constellation fabric but it is earmarked for something else.
It is the easiest quilt to make!
On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 5:29 AM, SEW KATIE DID
This is so cool! I love the colors, and the sort of jagged, crystalline look of all those pieces in the center.
Love the quilt and the wonky design and yes, I had a night owl baby. Hardest thing ever for a morning person. He’s grown now and still stays up really late ~ his wife is a night person too!
good thing they found each other. So much for opposites attract!
On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 6:49 AM, SEW KATIE DID
This is adorable! Love the colors. I’m the night owl around here – too bad my kids wake up at 6 a.m.! : )
Such a fun idea with the owl in the centre
I ♥♥♥ this quilt and the pattern is awesome!! I just finished my first Supernova (on my blog :o) and I cannot wait to get it quilted…so I can make another one!!