I’ve been trying to stay away from buying fabric, but how could I resist?
Last Monday Maureen and I hopped the ferry to collect the Seattle Modern Quilt Guild’s Binary quilts Island Quilter had on display as their January exhibit and I was immediately onto the bolts of these kitties by Lizzy House.
I have triangles or simple log cabins already in my head.
Have you resisted?
I wasn’t able to resist, either. Can’t wait to see what you make with them!
I live in Dorset, England. I love your blog. I love seeing the gorgeous fabrics you can buy. England doesn’t have a large quilting following. I’m a novice and I find your blog is inspirational. The bad news is I am also learning to paint, so I have a conflict of interest!
Love the blog… Keep it up
Thanks Christine. I used to paint too. All art kind of helps inspirationally.
I just bought bunch of FQs couple of weeks ago at a LQS. Triangle sounds fun! I was planning for something similar.
Triangles, log cabins and, I see, tumblers!!!! That fabric is awesome!!!!!!
that’s a good idea!
So cute! It’s totally understandable, your buying it! 🙂
No! I did not resist these. Love them so much.
The kittys are So cute. I have been bad this week! Three orders of fabric and one for a big box of cotton! I keep telling myself “use what you have” but it’s not sinking in. At least I am finishing things. I just made a quilt for my sister and she loves it so all worthwhile 🙂
I bought yardage! this is the cutest ever, no one with a heart could resist.
haha, well said.
ohh how cute!!!!
So far I’ve resisted but going fabric shopping with a friend today and I may give up and buy some (that is if where we’re going has them). The place we’re going is called Fabric Manor, it’s a bit out of the way and if you didn’t know it was there, you wouldn’t know ~ teehee.
I need to go to that place!
I find that resisting is a one-day-at-a-time kind of thing. I resisted yesterday – but after seeing this, I make no promises about today.
Yes… indeed, Jodie Richelle, I feel that way too. I was able to resist today…
Yay Lynda! Me too! That means tomorrow could be a disaster!
Today I made to a trip to JoAnn’s, and I was able to resist, but only because we had $30 in our bank account and that has to last until my hubby gets paid again. But I made a mental note of all the fabric I will buy next time!
To bad you can’t eat fabric;)
I know, right? 🙂
love the cat fabric! not a sewer myself, unfortunately, but a colleague of mine has been making sundresses for an impoverished village in The Gambia, from old pillow cases. See them on my blog called Someone Else’s Shoes – http://www.someoneelsesshoesblog.com
I love this fabric. I bought a few half yards. I thought I had an idea, but now, for the life of me I can’t remember what it was. Oh, well…something will come about soon.