Sigh, there’s nothing like it. Sleeping in your own bed after time apart.
Spain was dreamy.
After World Cup was over we really had no where we had to be.
Roan became efficient at finding anyone in a square to kick a ball around with regardless of a language barrier and it being posted as a deviant activity. You know what they say about rules?
We’d sip a vodka tonic, make a half-ass plan and walk to see what we would find.
Most of the time it all came together.
Roan and his cousins from Northern Ireland kept each other company.
We also spent an amazing amount of time just sitting.
People watching is just fascinating.
So was our view.
And then we’d all usually walk to the square and sit some more.
Jet lagged did me in. I’m just starting to feel that life is regaining some rhythm here at home. I taught all last weekend, cleaned my house like mad this week and am just gaining some ground on new samples for classes coming up.
I stalled on what color to make my stitch and flip triangles.
We have a new couch, so if I don’t make a pillow in the next week Jefe’s going to start worrying that something’s wrong with me. Curtains eventually might be a good call too.
Bainbridge Island Quilt Festival’s deadline to submit for the show is Friday the 15th, so I need to make a decision on finishing something new or entering something done. I love non-juried shows. Anyone else submitting?
My yard is out of control so I know what I’ll be procrastinating this weekend.
Have a great weekend;)
Live the colorful quilt on the bed, what pattern is that? ?? Glad you had a great trip! *
Hi Angelia. The quilt is a magic number quilt. Make one here:
That was so great of you to reply and give me a link. Awesomeness! !!
I hope you ate tons of paella – my favorite! Were you on the Costa Brava? Looks like fun!! Janet ( the neighbor ) Sent from my NOOK
Ate my weight in paella. We stayed in Begur. xo
people watching is the very best part of traveling. what a fun trip it sounds! nice to see your pics 🙂
Hope to see you Wednesday!
Your room looks great. And, your vacation photos are wonderful. I can tell you had a great time. Hugs.
Welcome back, we missed you! Love what you’ve got up on the board right now.
Trying to make it to meeting.
Hola,vivo a 20 minutos en coche de Begur,es un lugar precioso.
You’re very lucky!
Welcome home! I think I’ll enter my MQG challenge quilt… 🙂 Will you be at the meeting next week?
I think I’ll be there!
Your pictures (especially that bed in the first one) are dreamy!
Great class last weekend. I think I should retire so that I can sew more.
Ha ha. I hear it’s not over-rated;)
sounds like you guys had an amazing time in Spain, how wonderful. Love your gorgeously colorful quilt on your bed, also looking forward to seeing all your new creations. And yes, you definitely need to make new pillows for a new coach asap 🙂
Welcome home! My fondest memories of vacationing is Europe is having no plan and just exploring : ) Looks like you guys had an amazing time!
Thanks for supporting the Bainbridge Island Quilt Festival. We’d love to have lots of quilts from the Seattle MQG members on display!
Glad to hear you had such a wonderful trip. What a glorious way to travel. It was nice to keep up with you on IG!
Reblogged this on Live4god4's Blog and commented:
I loved the pictures of your trip and I love the colors you chose on your block picture. I read to my hubby the part about you not making the pillow for your new couch and he laughed because he knows the feeling. I quilt, I knit, I sew; so he never knows what is going to come out of my sewing room.
I think I did something wrong. I reblogged your post and not sure what that did. Oh well, I was saying that I liked your pictures of your trip. I also mentioned that I like your colors for that quilt block. I read the part to my hubby about you not making a pillow for your new couch. He laughed because he knows the feeling. I knit, I quilt, I sew, so he never knows what is going to come out of my sewing room.
Kindred spirits:)
Thank you for sharing, what a fabulous time you had on your trip! Great pics too
Reblogged this on Моя мастерская: поделки и переделки and commented:
Очень красивые работы мастера по лоскутному шитью!
So–what is a sew and flip triangle…do you end up with two layers of fabric on one half of every square…
No, you cut the fabric away. You can see how it’s done in the ‘to the point’ chapter of my book Quilting Modern.
That was a strange experience …I just came across your blog which was recommended on WordPress as I am looking to make my own blog. And suddenly saw pictures of HOME. I lived for over 30 years in the area you have visited …Pals, Begur, Sa Riera, Sa Tuna……I am so glad you had a lovely time there with your family. I returned to England last year.
six degrees;)
So talented.
I hear ya. Just got hame from Idaho. My bed was really amazing.