I’ve been making a real effort to post on Monday’s. Routine is good right? Last week was just too full of additions in the unexpected category and something had to go.
So here’s a week in review.
Wednesday I was talking about my love of the dahlias and how we had them at our wedding and it dawned on me that it was our 10th wedding anniversary. We were out for dinner, so I guess we celebrated unknowingly! Our focus has been on the family at large so it just slipped our minds.
I was Portland bound for the week teaching. My students were awesome and as usual I was involved in class and took not a single photo.
I did manage to take a picture of my gin and tonic at Bollywood Theater though…I’m not sure we want to analyze that:)
It was fun to catch up with a few Portland friends and of course eat good food.
(quilt by Carolyn Friedlander)
Carolyn Friedlander’s quilts are on exhibit at Modern Domestic through October 10th, so I made a stop there. I envy her simplicity AND complexity in design and her visionary quilting. I wish I had an eye for that kind of finish.
I finished up with week with an Open Studio at Island Quilter. Good times with some of my favorite people. Now I’m starting to think about packing my quilts in suitcases for my trip to the Kansas City Modern Quilt Guild. For those that have inquired, they have open the classes up to non-guild members now. Wish me luck on that suitcase thing.
Jefe has been non-stop on the French drain around my studio.
I need some help though and thought maybe I could reach out to you all for some ideas on my first world problem.
I have to buy windows and a door for the studio above. The shutters will go and the house will get painted. The reddish brick is a total throw off for me when it comes to color and my gutters are brown, though they could be painted.
So my question is, what color window frames should I get and what colors go well with the red brick? I’m sort of leaning towards black frames and a really dark teal for the house.
Any suggestions? Pictures?
P.S. Life is good 😉
I’d go for the black shutters. Not too much upkeep.
Teal can be tricky. Like all blues it can fade, thus requiring more upkeep.
teal and black sounds good – I also like a soft buttery yellow with bricks.
My recommendations on the window colors are Andersen Sandtone or Terratone… But it would depend somewhat on what color you are painting the exterior of the house… The Terratone would blend with the brown gutters best provided that they are staying…..
We have the same red brick and just replaced our windows, we chose a grey/beige, the same colour as your mortar between the bricks and then black for front door, good luck with whatever you choose!
What about green window frames? If you google them, you will find many pictures of houses with red bricks and green window frames.
Many greetings
Brick can be tricky. This is when I turn to http://www.houzz.com
You might want to see if the color on the inside is the same as the outside. I didn’t think of that when I got my new windows. I got Ivory/tan. They go great with the outside but not in every room inside. I wish I had chosen white. So if you don’t mind black on the inside, go for it! Good luck!
good advice.
Black! I thought black before I read black. love that combo with the brick.
Brick loves latex paint too! May be worth considering. I like houzz.com too.
I love red brick, Id go soft dove tail grey with dark grey trim and on the studio walls some neat quilt stencils in aqua blues and mint greens, but Im always a bit different 😉
different is good;)
Wow, big week! Congratulations on your 10th Anniversary. I share your same wish when it comes to Carolyn Friedlander’s skills. *le sigh* I love that pattern on the table at the bollywood restaurant. Thanks for sharing your week!
I see a lot of the houses on HGTV that paint the brick. Then you kind go with whatever color you like and forget about red.
I so wish I could talk my conservative norwegian husband into painting it;)
Bluey taupe wall with Persimmon shutters.
Brick and brown make me think of earth tones, so I would probably end up going with my husband’s favorite combo – sage green and black. He’s our family’s “earth tone” expert (self-appointed) 😀
Teal and black is exactly what I would recommend. To be more specific, I really like an ashy teal (if that makes sense). I am always impressed when I pass this building in my downtown. It’s better in real life. Blurry google street view image: https://www.google.com/maps/@38.4401776,-122.714579,3a,24.3y,343.96h,81.9t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sSJB67_cYg1MOAD8Oy41jBw!2e0
Thanks for taking the time to send me this photo. I love it!
I have a split level with red brick basement. My siding is Cyberspace dark grey, with black window trim and an orange door. I love it.
The orange door is a great touch! I want something funky like that. Thanks.
love your blog. Just started following it.
Was looking at the photo of the house and the 1st thing that hit me was that there was going to b a great deal of red brick.
If you were thinking of painting the house you may want to consider painting the brick on the house. A bit of work but well worth the effort.
Once that is painted you will have opened up your palette possibilities wrt colour for the wood siding.
The red brick on the ground tends to lean to more traditional colour combos so I am not sure you would b happy with a funky colour on the wood.
I noticed some large trees in the background which may make the yard shady so light yellows may really brighten up the house and work well with the red brick.
Good luck.
Hope to see the end result
I too like the picture of the teal with the brick but I think you may find an entire wall of that to be too much. It is great for an accent colour but can become very dated when doing large areas.
I realize I didn’t answer your question wrt window frame colour. White is the most nutral and goes with everything.
It also is the closest colour to glass so makes the windows appear larger whereas the black makes the smaller.
Good luck