I love everything about Halloween.
I love the memories of Roan’s costumes over the years, the bands of kids, the season it lands in, the decorations, watching Roan separate his bounty when he gets home and of course my own childhood memories.
The first year Roan and I ever went trick-or-treating he asked me if candy was good for you? I thought about it and replied back that I thought it might be good for the soul.
He’s definitely his mother’s child when it comes to having a sweet tooth. I’ve been know to pillage his loot for a Jolly Rancher and I’m pretty sure I bought a roll of Sprees at a gas station last week that might have been ten years old. They’re hard to come by you know;)
This will be our first Halloween in the house. Our urban life was good to us with our neighborhood shops offering treats and our friends allowing us to tag along, but THIS Halloween in our own hood is going to be the Halloween to remember.
Until next year at least;)
And of course its an excuse to make stuff right?
Because it’s part of the remembering.
Napkins this year. Much needed with chili.
Hands down, my all time favorite crafted for Halloween item is Roan’s trick or treat bag that I made using the quilt as you go method. We just fold his old one into it for extra storage.
It just came together perfect and I have such a love for all the scraps involved.
Haha, I look at this photo and it makes me want to spend my day making potholders or a pillow!
Happy Happy Halloween Everyone!