I realized I have several quilts I haven’t blogged about and they deserve their little spot here.
Like Fresh Cut.
Fresh Cut was a quilt I made to be published as a pattern in Quilting Modern and would have landed in the Slice and Insert chapter as an example of inserting consistent width strips perpendicular to one another.
Since books only have so many pages we have a few projects that didn’t make it and Fresh Cut was instead marketed as a preview for Quilting Modern in American Patchworks and Quilting’s June 2012 issue.
They styled it super cute for a nursery wall hanging.
As with any quilt there are things I love and things I learned and Fresh Cut is no exception.
Granted I’m looking at a quilt I made in 2012, so the things I would do differently are multiply as I write this.
If it weren’t for the binding having a few tricks I would take the simple quilting out and after over thinking it for a long time I would redo it in a simple grid of straight lines.
And if I was going to bother with that then I would add some blocks to change the bizarre size of this quilt. I’m not sure what I was thinking. I’d love to see an additional row of three blocks making it a big nine-patch. Hmmmm…
What I do love?
-The added bits sliced into the sashing of the blocks.
-The fabric colors.
-The quilting thread color change out.
-The variety of the inserts.
I really need to write a post on mixing up binding. I’ve got quite a few examples that I need to put in one place.
It really is a fun quilt and a simple intro to the Slice and Insert technique within a block structure. You can find the pattern here.
Just out of marketing curiosity, did anyone have exposure to this quilt when it came out? How about the other quilts that didn’t make the book that are free patterns? I’m guessing since I never see them in the virtual world that I need a blog post on how to find them.
The studio is in the process of being drywalled and I’m off to look at flooring.
Happy Monday Peeps;)
There are two spots in my Improvisational Curved Shapes Workshop (beginners welcome) on April 23rd from 6pm-9pm at the Quilting Loft (call to sign up). This will be our last workshop there as they are closing their retail shop at the end of the month. 30% off sale starts Tuesday (7th). Stay tuned for details here.
It’s a lovely quilt and it’s great that even professionals are continually updating their methods and ideas. Jean
this quilt is stunning! thanks for sharing!
Fresh Cut is beautiful and crisp. The colors are so soft and calming yet exciting at the same time. It’s a delightful baby quilt, but also calls to mind the beach house. I love the close-ups, they really show off your impeccable technique! 🙂
Enjoy the new studio. You’ve certainly earned it.
Aww, thanks!
I think this quilt is wonderful! Love the colors and the quilting. On a side note, I noticed you put green board in your quilt studio. Are you planning on having a shower in there? I noticed because we own a drywall and paint company.
haha, our drywallers did. Inquiring minds wanna know?!
Green board is used in bath/shower areas or places exposed to lots of moisture. Guess they ran out of regular board. Now you know! Still love that quilt and it matches my decre…..
I love this quilt and here’s a happy story for you. Because I saw it in the APQ issue in 2012, it led me to buy yours & Jacquie’s book – discover modern quilting, go to the first QuiltCon, and basically change my quilting life & professional career. Like seriously. So thanks!!
Awwww, happy story goodness. You made my day! xo
Excellent story! And another beautiful quilt, Katie.
This quilt is so cute! I really like the sliced-looking quilting, too.
I actually hadn’t seen it before, and I don’t think I saw the other free patterns that weren’t included in the book.
I remember seeing this in the magazine. It had a good description of the slice and insert technique and I’m fond of aqua and orange.
this quilt is really cute
So happy to see you here! I loved Quilting Modern, and modern quilts! I’m new to quilting, and VERY new to blogging. Your quilts and your site are both so inspirational! I look forward to following along on your journey!
Love the colors!
I love the quilting pattern you chose and how it mimics the pieced blocks in the solid color areas. Fantastic! I would like to work out a riff on this in an upcoming quilt! Thanks for the inspiration!
Can’t wait to see what ya do!
Christa! You are the reason I found “Sewkatiedid” today. I loved how you explained how Katie’s quilt changed your view about your quilting perspective. That explains my outlook this last year on the way I select my projects…”Modern”! Katie thank you for inspiring Christa or I would never have found you! You are both terrific! Christa, just 2 weeks ago I bought my first modern pattern “Christa quilts modern logs”. Now I will have the opportunity to see Katies patterns as well! Thank both of you ladies.
Hopefully I’ll get back into the blogging way here soon;)