Since my trip to Georgia all the pillow forms in the house have been naked, just waiting for their clothes to be put back on. It seemed like a good opportunity to change them into something ‘new’ until I create the inspiration in my head to match my new rug.
The triangle pillow I made in 2011. Grey goes with everything.
When we were writing Quilting Modern I was always on the lookout for inspirational shapes not generally produced in quilting at the time. In a design magazine was a photo that had a pillow tucked oh so small in the background. I could barely make out what it looked like beyond the elongated triangles, but I stole what I could of the idea to make it my own.
The log cabin pillow was born improvisationally on the design wall. I like how it pairs with the triangle one so I often showcase them together.
I taped up the size of the pillow form’s perimeter (Euro size) and started filling it in, piecing the cabins together in columns mostly and connecting the columns with some gentle improvisational curves.
The color way was 100% driven by this fabric I put on the back and of course I finished it with my invisible zipper tutorial.
I’m normally driven mad by matchstick quilting, but it is perfect for pillows. Its density helps with giving the down pillow form some more structure. They never look this good after use, but fluff up nice.
I went with a light aqua thread on both.
I get all fired up about old unfinished projects when I see the techniques in use, so put this one briefly back up on the wall for a little work. It even matches the pillows.
Hope all is well in your corner.
Happy week!
I love these! I’m going upstairs to sew now! Thanks!