My Value Heart Quilt has spent more time in the past couple of weeks being shuffled from one corner of the house to the next, than being stitched.
I’m hearting it though and I thought I’d share a little bit of process before yet another week walks away from me.
Last week I did managed to start this post, and sit long enough to turn one corner of the binding. I don’t know about you, but I always love that moment when you can spread it out and admire even just one bound edge.
Saturday, I spent the most lovely day with the Bainbridge Island MQG and managed to finish all but one side while traveling on the ferries. I usually get out of the car deck and head upstairs to the cabin, but the King size kept me warm and car-bound. I also had a pretty sweet viewing spot to watch rainbows over Puget Sound.
Many scraps ago I bought this Sevenberry print, and I had the most wee bit of it left. When I noticed they reprinted it, I got it in my head that it was the one and only binding fabric that would do. Definitely a ‘treat yourself’ moment for someone that could certainly bind a million scrap quilts from her stash.
I have OBD (over basting disorder) and a similar problem with wonder clips. Some tools once discovered are hard to live without. Using its clever risen dots to align all the binding to the same seam measurement is a game changer. You really only need a few, but I like to see it all clipped back like that and you feel so accomplished when you get to start removing them.
Even width binding!
I’m sure Jefe is seriously happy that we’re now going to be sleeping under a scrappy heart quilt, but I love the brightness and cheerfulness it brings to the room.
I’m hoping to finish it up and snap some photos of it next week for a workshop that focuses on how to optimize the use of color value in your quilts, but in case that doesn’t become reality I’ve listed some class dates. Come get your value on and use up some of those lovely prints in your stash;)
I know some of you Monday-Friday peeps tell me you like a holiday of sewing, so I added one for you.
I know you’d miss all the examples I have to show you how value works, but if you can’t make it here you can still make your own with my Value Quilt Tutorial and some scheduled time with your design wall.
Well, since somebody might have had a little accident and there’s no transmission in the car, there is car hunting in the near future. This will also be the last photo of the bedroom with the Pure Periwinkle in my dream weekend. I think I feel some new pillow covers coming on with the paint transformation, plus I’ve got another quilt quilted and ready for some binding, so out I go to visit my stash.
Hope your future is full of something inspirational.
Happy week Peeps!
“Using its clever risen dots to align all the binding to the same seam measurement.”
You have me wondering. Please explain!!
The clip have some dots on the back that you align your folded binding with. You’d likely have to look at a photo of them to see what I’m talking about. I’d recommend them;)
Lovely quilt Katie and wonder how long did it take for you to finish the quilting. Looks like pretty dense to me.
The lines are about ½” apart and took me about four sessions. Maybe 8 hours total?