Where to start? We’re pretty much being spoiled brats around here right now.
Our Northern Irish have invaded and it sure doesn’t seem 2 years ago since we parted at the steps of a cafe in Spain. It’s only like we saw them yesterday. The calendar has been filled with the usual Seattle summer adventures we do together as a family. We’ve spoiled ourselves with full menus for breakfast, lunch and dinner and shared our love of margaritas. We’ve jumped off the raft in Lake Washington, shivered in the Sound and added floating down the Yakima River, laughing that we were eating quiche and that our cans of Rainer were chilled by the river just like our butts.
Many a birthday to celebrate in July. John’s passed with a raised glass to him, who knew our last goodbye would happen on those same steps in Spain.
Jefe celebrated another anniversary of his 21st,
and in the keeping it real department, my brother in law Jeremy’s 50th is at the end of the month. Living 4+ years with ALS he is still bossing us around. Everything’s different, yet everything’s the same he says.
His partner of 20+ years, Hallie is our hero and his rock.
Oh yeah, and quilting has happened here and there too. This quilt is an oldie.
I remember moving into the house and piecing this double-trouble quilt top in the little room that is now the kid domain. The crumbs that started the quilt are half square triangles from Roan’s quilt. I simply added improv stitch and flip triangles (you can find the technique in Quilting Modern) on the neutral side of each hst.
The scrap bins got a sifting through for the perfect fussy cuts of kid prints.
I placed and pieced the blocks on point to form the squares rather than diamonds. And then it sat patiently;)
I used the top as a template for building quilt backs in my class a few months ago. I figured when I was cleaning up the design walls after class that I might as well just sew together its back. One stage done and onto the next.
I ran the quilting a quarter inch along the seams vertically and horizontally first, before deciding to fill in more with the diagonal. I used a light blue Metler thread.
This quilt is a perfect eye spy with its bits and pieces from clothing I made Roan as an infant and the receiving blankets that my mom sewed.
Of course there’s fabric from stash on the back, some favorites in fact, all pieced willy-nilly together. It screamed green or orange for binding and the last of the Flea Market Fancy went towards that.
It looks kind of summery and cheerful.
Since I love having quilts in all various stages, I’ve got 2 more basted and a finished top up on the design wall, not to mention all sorts of play with the Split Personality block drifting around. It’s hard to say it but I’m trying to wrap my head around a few classes for fall coming up here. I’m excited to get to the samples, something new and fun.
Until August Peeps;)
Love that quilt – Amazing how you make all of that wonkiness look so balanced and perfect.
I agree with Hallie’s t-shirt. My dad fought a 2 1/2 year battle with ALS before passing at 79 years of age.
I’m so sorry Kathleen. It really is a cruel disease. The back or her shirt says, “staff” and she really is his #1. xoxo
How great that you got to spend some special time with loved ones. Your quilt is awesome. I’ll have to try your stitch and flip triangles!