It seems ridiculous to me that it’s July 9th and I’m freezing, all wrapped up in a quilt on my couch;)
I guess we got spoiled in May.

But snuggling up in a quilt isn’t all bad, so I thought I’d use this lounging moment as an opportunity to share some projects I’ve posted on Instagram, but have yet to make it here.
My Mom use to tell me jokingly that her favorite part of quilt making was buying the fabrics. I can’t argue with that fun, but second best for me is always picking the color way. It’s super hard for me to limit my palette and/or not throw a print in, so even this one felt minimalistic.
The color way was inspired by this creative lady’s quilt. I added a little texture to the mix via a yarn-dye fabric in gray.

Obviously, I needed more pillows AND I had leftovers from the my Side Hustle Quilt above.

The backing is the softest fabric IKEA ever sold. I wish I had more.
Quilted it out in these easy Vs.

I want to make everything out of this color way.
Good thing I have like a gazillion blocks leftover from making that first quilt.

They’ve been up on the design wall in a couple layouts and then folded up and put away for another day.

I’ve got quite a pile of unfinished tops now, so more focus should probably be applied to quilting, but with zero road trips planned I’m not really feeling the pressure to have quilts in binding stage.

After I talk myself out from under this quilt and off the couch this afternoon’s project is going to be Frankenbatting large batting scraps together to make a new ironing station for this lovely.
I almost talked myself into the ease of ordering a piece of batting large enough to cover it with the 3 layers it needs, but I’ve got so many large pieces of batting leftover from quilts it seemed frivolous. It will take some time to measure and give them some straight edges, but then I can simply butt those pieces together and connect them with a zig zag stitch to get the sizes I need. I could use one less tote of something in the basement anyway.
I’ll have to remember to snap a photo of its peek-a-boo drawers full of scraps I sorted by color. Its usefulness for organization makes me so happy.

Since we don’t have enough projects started, we demolished the kitchen after the dishwasher started leaking and the rest of everything had exhausted itself. My original station might go back to being a cookbook shelf as it would be a functional mobile unit to shuffle around.
So I guess I’m also crossing my fingers for better grilling weather.
Having some faith in our future here, the Denver Metro Modern Quilt Guild and I are going to hang out in 2021 for a workshop, they join the Kenai Peninsula Quilting Guild and the Beach Cities Quilters Guild on the calendar. I love that we’re looking to the future of being in person again even if it seems far off.
Take Care Peeps. xo Katie