Well the daily dose of sparkly bright exposure I like for photos is getting a little harder to come by. The days are getting shorter and those shadows longer, so snapping the right ones takes a little more planning. I find looking through photos an uplifting visual reminder that there is progress, I’m doing stuff daily, even if it doesn’t feel like much, and that I’m still curious about new things. I’ve got this.
So now, I’m going to photo bomb you;)
The theme of what I’m up to has remained constant though I have somewhat turned my back on the garden.

I basted my Star Player quilt with one pin to spare while watching the hawks game a few weeks ago and am still working out some sample quilts for a pattern.

Adaptability to our new world continues. Remember my little Livudio? ‘Livudio’ was my family’s portmanteau for the living room/studio shared space in our little old house. Jefe’s in the studio/office full time, so I decided to try out the dinudio (dining room/studio). I’ll not be missing the dusting involved in the aftermath of quilting this.

I sewed up some masks for my favorite cashiers and a birthday girl.

I plan to get outside somehow to celebrate with the full blue moon. I’ve been reading and visualizing what Halloween will be like this year, but regardless, as I showed you in the last post the house is ready.

Since I have no excuse I’ve been walking almost daily. Mostly alone, but I’ve got Jefe and a few friends in the weekly rotation. We mask up, catch up and explore West Seattle. I love looking at what people do with their houses and gardens, especially the Halloween decor, which seems to be full throttle this year.

Saturday was a celebratory day. We took a long walk up to Highpoint so that we could drop our ballots.

I love the creativity of the signs we’ve been seeing and limited myself to just one.

We’ve got garage doors at the front, back and side of our garage that we can open up, so we moved the lawn furniture in for Sunday’s games to get out of the pouring rain. Who ever thought a Snuggly was a bad idea might be reconsidering.

I got myself a couple little heaters too.

Quilts are great, but nothing beats a Pendleton in cold weather, though there was talk of a sleeping bags 😉

It’s a mutual relationship, I fuss over my houseplants and they return the love to me with an abundance of blooms. I’m not sure about the mushroom and succulent sharing a pot, but it might be the best example of coexisting regardless of your differences that I’ve seen in 2020.

A week of democracy and apple pie, or maybe rhubarb and sweet potato sausage hand pies because that’s what you have in the freezer. 9pm didn’t make for good photos of the banana cream pie.

I’ve finally got a couple of things up on craigslist. My featherweight needs a local home, listing here. I bought it for retreats and always end up taking my huge Juki. It’s been serviced and rarely used, but will need to be oiled. It has a brand new locking case that looks like an original.

The antique sewing case was a hand me down that takes up space in the basement. It also needs a home. SOLD. I’ll be listing an industrial snap press and vintage powder coated turquoise machine too.
Looking like the rain should clear here for the weekend, so I’m going to try to psyche myself up for some gardening. Sounds like a good opportunity for some photos!
I’ve got this, you’ve got this, we’ve got this 😉
xoxo Katie